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Acts 2:42-47 provides five Marks of a Healthy Church

Christ’s Church is called to be a…

  • A Worshipping Church

  • A Praying Church

  • A Learning Church

  • A Fellowshipping Church

  • An Evangelizing Church

Calvary Evangelical Church seeks to promote each of these important elements in every service.

Sunday Morning Worship and Sunday Evening Service


The emphasis during our Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. is on worship and hearing from God's Word.  We continue with our evening service at 7 p.m. focusing on learning, fellowship and evangelism.

Sunday School



Sunday School classes begin at 10 a.m. and offer something for every member of the family from the little ones through adults.  Separate classes are held for toddlers through elementary and teenagers in the lower level of the church.  An adult class is held in the main sanctuary with an additional women's group that meets in the fellowship hall next to the church building.


Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting & Bible Study


Our Wednesday evening service at 7 p.m. is a time for us to pray together as a congregation for our country, community, and church family needs  in addition to studying God's Word.


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